Watch starquest nebulon 2

Character History

  • As captain of the Nebulon, Zorn leads his crew aimlessly throughout the galaxy while indulging himself with copious amounts of karaoke.

  • A standard issue service robot that provides assistance with various tasks on board the Nebulon. From bounty hunting to room service, DBRA does it all.


  • Moral support for Master Zorn, his species is known for extreme loyalty to one life form that can be almost creepy at times.

  • The jokester. He plays the Yorb every time.

  • This pig man doesn’t like dead beat money borrowers and won’t stop until he collects!

  • With a background at the Galactic Fuel Station, Kyle works hard to earn credits (and respect) on Zorn’s ship. From Triphibluator scraping to guard duty Kyle is a team player.

  • A pure bred Wallimander, Juliano is a racing champion who loves groople nuggets.

  • As operations manager aboard Zorn’s ship, Yonda does her best to keep things organized while dealing with an incompetent crew.

  • A master of riddles, you better hope no one plays this trickster while knee deep in a game of Sector.

  • Zorn’s right hand man and the one of the few competent crew members aboard the Nebulon. Hammond pilots the Nebulon where ever Zorn points his finger.

  • A recent inmate on Zorn’s ship, Quazar longs start his own restaurant (if he ever gets out of Zorn’s custody).

  • As Zorn’s muscle, Gorbitron will crush his opponents with no mercy. Unless he’s on vacation… then he’s unavailable.

  • A hopeless romantic, Prickton will go low while you go high during Karaoke time.

  • Always available, Ryan often serves as Master Zorn’s errand boy as a last resort.